
Here you can find some downloadable files relevant for the conference. To print the PDF files you need the Acrobat Reader. The Version 4 seems to contain a bug: to print a file correctly on an "A4" or "letter" papersheet, you should open "File", go to "Page Setup" and give the right paper size "A4" or "letter" explicitly again, even if the correct value is indicated!

The users having trouble with zipped files may use e.g. Winzip (on Windows) or Infozip UnZip (any platform).

To print postscript files on a non-postscript printer you may use Ghostscript.

The Windows users having trouble with gunzipped files may use e.g. G(un)zip (Note: some Web-browsers extract gunzipped files automagically without removing the file suffix ".gz"). Those Windows users who do not know how to print a postscript file on a postscript printer may try this handy freeware utility.

List of papers accepted for the Proceedings

Conference Program

This is the Conference Program booklet the printed version of which every participant will receive. For other formats please ask
Twoside formats
These files should be used for creating the booklet (especially if you have a twoside printer).
Single page formats
Useful for viewing/printing individual pages.

Sample Camera-ready Page

This page contains some basic instructions about how the Camera-ready paper for the Workbook should be prepared. It does not substitute the detailed "Author Instructions"!

Accommodation and Tour Reservation Form

This sheet of paper should be inserted in the Second Announcement booklet.

"Weekend in South Bohemia" Form

This sheet of paper should be inserted in the Second Announcement booklet.

Registration Form

On popular demand, we created this form to make your registration/payment easier.

Second Announcement (Beta Version)

For other formats please ask
Twoside formats
These files should be used for creating the booklet.
Single page formats
Useful for viewing/printing individual pages.

First Announcement

Official Logo

Warning! This logo was created directly in postscript (i.e., it is "infinitely" scalable) and contains "infinitely smooth" Bezier curves (with unspecified number of points). When phototypesetting this logo preset the RIP in your phototypesetter to optimal quality, not to maximum speed.