Trojkralova konferencia 2018
Stretnutie mladych ceskych a slovenskych
fyzikov a matematikov
5. januara 2018, Kosice

Z??kladn?? inform??cie

Konferencia za??ne okolo 9:00 v piatok 5. janu??ra na Pr??rodovedeckej fakulte UPJ?? v Ko??iciach (Jesenn?? 5) dvoma hodinov??mi predn????kami (jedna z fyziky a jedna z matematiky/informatiky). Krat??ie registrovan?? predn????ky
bud?? potom prebieha?? v dvoch paraleln??ch sekci??ch - jedna pre fyziku a jedna pre matematiku. V pr??pade z??ujmu bude mo??n?? prezentova?? aj poster.

Basic information

We will start the conference around 9 am, Friday, January 5th, at Faculty of Science UPJ?? at Ko??ice, (Jesenn?? 5), with two one-hour lectures (one in Physics and one in Mathematics/Computer Science).
Shorter contributed lectures will then be divided into two parallel sections; one for Physics and one for Mathematics. There will be also a possibility to present a poster.

Piatok 5. janu??ra 2018 (Friday, January 5th)
8:55 - 9:00
  Otvorenie konferencie/Official opening of the conference
9:00 - 9:45
J??n Min??r (Z??pado??esk?? Univerzita v Plzni): Recent developments in the electronic structure theory: correlations, disorder and spectroscopy VKM
9:45 - 10:10
Martin Gmitra (Universit??t Regensburg, DE): Proximity effects in graphene
VKM 9:50 - 10:20
Tom???? V??vra (MFF UK): Mnoho tv?????? numera??n??ch syst??m?? LIDA
10:10 - 10:35
Luk???? Flaj??man (VUT): Artificial spin-wave metamaterials based on metastable iron layers

10:35 - 11:00
Daniel Duda (Z??pado??esk?? Univerzita v Plzni): V??lcov?? smykov?? proud??n?? zkouman?? metodou Integr??ln?? laserov?? anemometrie (PIV) - p??edb????n?? v??sledky
VKM 10:20 - 10:50
Tom???? Madaras (UPJ??): Detekcia komun??t v soci??lnych sie??ach LIDA
11:00 - 11:30
Prest??vka na k??vu spojen?? s diskusiou pri posteroch/Coffee break, posters
11:30 - 11:50
Jana Crkovsk?? (IPN Orsay, FR): Multiplicity differential $J/\psi$ measurement in pp and p-Pb collisions with ALICE VKM   11:30 - 11:50 Sara Sabrina Zemlji?? (FMFI UK): The Sierpinski product of graphs LIDA
11:50 - 12:10
Luk???? Holub (FJFI ??VUT): Korela??n?? femtoskopia na experimente STAR VKM   11:50 - 12:10 Viliam Ka??ala (UPJ??): Zr??chlenie v??po??tu splajnov??ch deriv??ci?? LIDA
12:10 - 12:30
Miroslav ??imko (??JF AV ??R): M????en?? otev??en??ho p??vabu ve sr????k??ch ultrarelativistick??ch t????k??ch iont??? VKM 12:10 - 12:30 J??n Bu??a (FEI TUKE): Point Target Localization by UWB Radar LIDA
12:30 - 14:00
Obed??aj??ia prest??vka/Lunch break
14:00 - 14:45
Ondrej Kr??dlo (UPJ??): Kvantov?? ??trukt??ry, Te??ria kateg??ri?? a Form??lna konceptov?? anal??za
14:45 - 15:05
Katar??na Gajdo??ov?? (University of Copenhagen, DK): Searching for collectivity in small collision systems VKM 14:50 - 15:10
Lenka Hal??inov?? (UPJ??): Neadit??vne miery a integr??ly LIDA
15:05 - 15:25
Zuzana Moravcov?? (FJFI ??VUT): Vyu??itie strojov??ho u??enia v ??asticovej fyzike VKM 15:10 - 15:25
Jana Borzov?? (UPJ??): Super level miera, size a integr??l LIDA
15:25 - 15:50
Prest??vka na k??vu spojen?? s diskusiou pri posteroch/Coffee break, posters
15:50 - 16:10
Luk???? Ondi?? (FZ?? AV ??R): 2D diamond-based photonic crystals for enhanced light extraction VKM 15:50 - 16:15
R??bert Jajcay (FMFI UK): Vysoko tranzit??vne mno??iny permut??ci?? LIDA
16:10 - 16:30
Katar??na Kar??ov?? (UPJ??): Magnetiza??n?? proces di-, tri- a tetramerizovan??ch Heisenbergov??ch re??azcov so zmie??an??mi spinmi VKM 16:15 - 16:40
Roman Nedela (UMB): Sensitivity of the bounds on ATE in the presence of survey non-response
16:30 - 16:50
Viktor ??kult??ty (Stockholm University, SE): Critical behaviour of directed percolation process in the presence of compressible velocity field
VKM 16:40 - 17:10
Ondrej Hutn??k (UPJ??): Kluv??nkova vzorkovacia veta LIDA
16:50 - 17:10
Miroslav Fedurco (UPJ??): Analysis of pulsations in eclipsing binary stars VKM

17:10 - 17:30
Prest??vka na k??vu spojen?? s diskusiou pri posteroch/Coffee break, posters
17:30 - 18:30 Diskusia: Ako si n??js?? v s????asnej dobe postdocovsk?? miesto? / Discussion: How to find a postdoc position nowadays?


Trojkralova konferencia je tradi??ne vo??ne pr??stupn?? v??etk??m z??ujemcom dobrej v??le bez poplatkov a registr??cia je dobrovo??n?? (len na to, aby sme mali predstavu o ??casti).

T??, ??o maj?? z??ujem sa zaregistrova?? (s t??m, ??e v??etci ostatn?? z??ujemcovia ich uvidia na zozname zaregistrovan??ch), a/alebo vyst??pi?? s predn????kou (alebo posterom) nech po??l?? potrebn?? inform??cie pre fyzik??lnu sekciu na email: Marek Bombara a pre matematick?? sekciu na email: Katar??na Lu??ivjansk??

Ak si chcete pozrie?? zoznam zaregistrovan??ch z??ujemcov, kliknite na zoznam zaregistrovan??ch ????astn??kov.

The Epiphany Conference is traditionally free of charge and
registration is voluntary (just to give us an idea about the
number of participants to expect).

Those who wish to register (and whose names will show on the list of registered participants) and/or those who wish to give a talk (or poster), please, send the necessary information for the Physics section to email: Marek Bombara and for the Mathematics section to email: Katar??na Lu??ivjansk??.

If you wish to see the list of those already registered, click the list of registered participants.

Miesto konania

Predn????ky sa bud?? odohr??va?? vo videokonferen??n??ch posluch??r??ach "VKM" a "LIDA" v zrekon??truovanej ??asti Technicom.

V budove na Jesennej 5 s??dli ??stav matematick??ch vied, informatiky, geografie a ??as?? ??stavu fyzik??lnych vied. Zo ??elezni??nej alebo autobusovej stanice je vzdialen?? ch??dzou pribli??ne 20 a?? 25 min??t. Ak chcete vyu??i?? verejn?? dopravu zo zast??vky `Stani??n?? n??mestie', odpor????ame autobusov?? linku 19 (zast??vka `Zimn??', 2 min??ty ch??dzou od miesta konferencie) alebo elektri??kov?? linku 2, pr??padne autobusov?? linku 17 (v??stup na zast??vke `Radnica Star??ho mesta', 5 min??t ch??dze od miesta konferencie).
Conference Location

  The talks will take place in videoconference Lecture Halls "VKM" and "LIDA" in the reconstructed part of the building named Technicom.
In the building at Jesenna 5, the Institutes of Mathematics, Computer Science, Geography and partly Physics are located. The venue is reachable within walking distance from the train or bus stations (20-25 minutes). If you want to use a public transport from the stop `Stani??n?? n??mestie', we recommend the bus number 19  (the stop `Zimn??', 2 minutes by walk from the venue) or tram number 2 / bus number 17 (the stop `Radnica Star??ho mesta', 5 minutes by walk from the venue).


  Spomedzi mnoh??ch hotelov v Ko??iciach, dva sa nach??dzaj?? bl??zko miesta konferencie: Hotel Marat??n (5 min??t ch??dze) a Hotel Rokoko (10 min??t ch??dze). Oba hotely boli v minulosti odpor????an?? zahrani??n??mi n??v??tevn??kmi univerzity.

Je mo??nos?? ubytovania aj na ??tudentskom intern??te na Medickej ulici (~20 min??t ch??dze). Ak m??te z??ujem o tento typ ubytovania, pros??m, kontaktujte v??as lok??lnych organiz??torov.

Among many hotels in Ko??ice two of them are located close to the venue: Hotel Maraton (5 minutes walk) and Hotel Rokoko (10 minutes walk). Both of them have been recommended by previous University guests.

There is a possibility to be accommodated in the student dormitory at Medicka street (~20 minutes walk). If you are interested in this kind of accommodation, please, contact (in advance) the local organizers.   

Hist??ria konferencie/Conference history

2008 ??? 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017


Konferencia prebieha s podporou Pr??rodovedeckej fakulty Univerzity Pavla Jozefa ??af??rika v Ko??iciach, Jednoty ??esk??ch matematik?? a fyzik?? a ??eskoslovensk??ho ??asopisu pro fyziku.


We gratefully acknowledge support from the Faculty of Science of Pavol Jozef ??af??rik University in Ko??ice, Union of Czech mathematicians and physicists and Czechoslovak Journal for Physics.

??eskoslovensk?? ??asopis pro fyziku

Organiza??n?? v??bor/Organising Committee:

Jaroslav Biel????k (FJFI ??VUT),  Jana Biel????kov?? (??JF AV ??R), ??ubom??ra Dvo????kov?? (FJFI ??VUT), Ji???? Fiala (MFF UK), Juraj Tekel (FMFI UK), Daniel Hlubinka (MFF UK), Boris Tom????ik (FPV UMB), Karel V??born?? (FZ?? AV ??R), Robert Jajcay (FMFI UK)

Lok??lny organiza??n?? v??bor/Local Organising Committee:

Marek Bombara (email:
 Katar??na Lu??ivjansk?? (email:
Lenka Hal??inov?? (email: )

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