
Accommodation services to the Conference are mediated by "Icaris Ltd. Conference Management".

From the viewpoint of the Conference accessibility, two of the locations offered are recommended:

Hotel Pyramida
The Hotel where the plenary lectures will take place. A three star hotel located on the border of the historical kernel of Prague, within walking distance (15 minutes) from the Prague castle and other places of interest.

Hostel Kajetánka
A simple accommodation with students' caffeteria. The poster sections will take place here. Within walking distance from the Pyramida Hotel.

The Addresses:
Hotel Pyramida
Belohorská 24
16000 Praha6
Czech Republic, Europe  
Hostel Kajetánka
Radimova 12
16000 Praha6
Czech Republic, Europe


You have the following three possibilities to submit your reservation request:
  1. Online Reservation.
  2. Download the "Accommodation and Reservation Form" as a word document, fill it in and send it to Icaris by E-mail as attachement.
  3. Get the "Accommodation and Reservation Form"
    • it is enclosed with the Second Announcement
    • you may download it from our Website as a Postscript or PDF file and print it yourself
    • upon request, we can send a hardcopy to you.
    Fill it in and send it to Icaris by fax.


Reservations: 25 February 2001
Payments: 1 May 2001

About Icaris

Address: Icaris Ltd. Conference Management
Nám. Dr. Holého 8
180 00  Praha 8
Czech Republic
Fax: +420 2 6631 2113